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Spark Cover and Vacuum Unit

Safety is the very basis for occupational safety. To enhance workplace cleanliness, the machine includes a standard safety door and spark cover, effectively minimizing airborne spatters. Additionally, for an even cleaner working environment, there is an optional full spark cover with a connected vacuum unit. This optional feature ensures a consistent vacuuming of fumes and spatters, maintaining a high level of cleanliness throughout operation.

Spark Cover and Vacuum Unit

Safety is the very basis for occupational safety. To enhance workplace cleanliness, the machine includes a standard safety door and spark cover, effectively minimizing airborne spatters. Additionally, for an even cleaner working environment, there is an optional full spark cover with a connected vacuum unit. This optional feature ensures a consistent vacuuming of fumes and spatters, maintaining a high level of cleanliness throughout operation.

Spark Cover and Vacuum Unit

Safety is the very basis for occupational safety. To enhance workplace cleanliness, the machine includes a standard safety door and spark cover, effectively minimizing airborne spatters. Additionally, for an even cleaner working environment, there is an optional full spark cover with a connected vacuum unit. This optional feature ensures a consistent vacuuming of fumes and spatters, maintaining a high level of cleanliness throughout operation.

Deburring Function



For standard processing procedures, removing sharp edges from flash butt welding can be time-consuming. To address this, we provide optional inline or offline deburring solutions that can be added to promptly trim off the sharp edges immediately after the welding process.




Water-cooled copper electrodes are frequently used in welding operations to enhance their durability. However, for specific materials like aluminum, non-copper electrodes are more suitable.

Energy Saving Solutions

The prevailing belief among industrial professionals is to achieve energy savings while maximizing productivity. One approach to achieve this is by converting welding power from single-phase AC or three-phase rectified DC to three-phase inverter DC machines, which enables balanced phase input while reducing primary power consumption.

Weld Parameter Monitoring



Weld Parameters such as Weld Voltage, Weld force, and weld speed are monitored and recorded. Users could set threshold to better monitoring the weld process.

Machine and Controls

The integration capability of mechanical performance and electrical control allows the full potential of the equipment to be effectively utilized. Therefore, having a good integration of mechanics and electronics is crucial for intelligent welding.

Hydraulic System

Precise hydraulic control for consistency in welding quality. From simple directional valve circuit to servo system to achieve precision, energy saving and user friendly interface.

Sturdy Machine Structure



A sturdy structure can ensure the overall processing performance. In regard to machine frame, movable platen, and clamping device, we made them firm in order to achieve this goal. For larger machine body, we have casting structures available.

Combination of iron plate and cast steel material

In order to achieve better arrangement, with the combination of iron plate and the cast steel materials, our machine body is designed with better competence.

High tension bar or high carbon steel bar welding

Regardless of whether it is the welding of high-tension rods or high-carbon steel rods, these processes require a high level of technical expertise and accumulated experience. We are confident in our ability to perform such welding tasks and provide users with the best possible experience.

Iron Rim or Aluminum Rim Cutout Combination

In the wheel industry, the combination of steel or aluminum wheel rim incisions typically requires skilled technicians working in tandem with excellent equipment to accomplish. Our design enables precise execution of this process, providing manufacturing plants with enhanced processing capabilities and ensuring smoother production lines.

High Carbon Steel Rail Welding

High carbon steel is chosen by many specific industries due to its unique physical properties. As a result, the welding process for high carbon steel involves several crucial aspects. Our equipment has been designed with consideration for the diverse needs of various industries, enabling seamless welding of high carbon steel rails.

Chain or Hoop Cutout Binding

The combination of iron chains and iron rings with different physical coefficients involves various considerations for the notches. This challenge tests the experience and professionalism of the onsite operators and poses a challenge for the operating machinery as well. Our machinery can perform complete notch combinations of iron chains and iron rings, making it proficient in various applications.

Thick Iron Ring

The different thicknesses of thick iron rings present varying levels of difficulty in the joining process. Our Flash Butt Welding Machine can assist onsite workers on the production line in quickly identifying the appropriate methods and efficiently completing their tasks.

Thin Stainless Steel Tube Cut Joints

Compared with thick work pieces, thin work pieces are also hard to weld perfectly due to the thin essences. It needs appropriate force and strength to weld it perfectly.

Various Shapes of Rods and Plates

For various types of rods and plats, our flash butt welding machine can deal with perfectly. We have designed it based on our professional experiences.

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Flash Butt Welding Machine


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